to be black and Catholic, as I am, is to belong to an institution that you know has the theological resources to denounce the causes of your oppression, yet to doubt that such a word will arrive on time.
to be black and Catholic, as I am, is to belong to an institution that you know has the theological resources to denounce the causes of your oppression, yet to doubt that such a word will arrive on time.
A conversation hosted by the Institute for Christian Socialism
If people of faith agree that the criminal legal system produces unjust outcomes for black people, then we must advocate for changes that strip it of the power and resources to produce those outcomes.
Now is the time to test the merits of our values. If they prove worthless, then we should revise them. If we cannot revise them, then we should shutter our useless institutions.
We say we want returning citizens to reintegrate into society, but we set them up to be cut off from the building blocks of life: shelter, education, community, and a livable wage.
If we start with the presumption of black humanity, our calls for self-determination would hardly be controversial.